venerdì 10 settembre 2010

Snow on the planet... and fire in the sky!


I recently thought to build up some terrain pcs and paint a bunch of 15mm miniatures for an Arctic inspired scenario.
I still have a dozen Critical Mass Light Recons and I'm planning to paint them with a winterized armor or a colour scheme that could fit...

Below is my first attempt, I think I used too much blu ink! Any advice's welcome!

By the way... the terrain pcs on the right is a work in progress bunker made from a 28mm blister, while the APC is just an old toy.
Clearly the first Arctic Light Recon is intended to be Rep 5 in a CR3 game!


2 commenti:

  1. Looks good. I like the building a lot, I need to make some like that for Nick's sci-fi games.

  2. proprio un bel lavoro, chissà come diventeranno i contenitori dello yogurt :)
